Banners and chanting at the Sunderland game

We have received a number of complaints regarding what was described as heavy handed stewarding during Saturday’s match against Sunderland. Banners were removed and some members said they had been asked to stop singing certain chants.
We contacted the club and here is the response of the Stadium Manager.

“We do not allow banners into the stadium that are political, discriminative, offensive or inflammatory.


The Safety Officer or I determine the threshold, particularly for the latter two categories for we are named persons on the safety certificate with the responsibility for providing a safe environment.

I can confirm that stewards were told to confiscate ‘Tan out’ banners & remove them from the bowl where possible.

After a fight almost broke out in the Canton Stand between somebody holding up a thank you Malky banner and fans who could not see the game. We advised that all large banners should be taken down (I’m sure fans had got their point across with thank you banners pre-game).

Nobody was ejected or is being viewed for chanting or simply having a banner.
There was 1 ejection for bad language which SWP are viewing for a racial public order offence and another fan is being warned pre game at the next match about his constant 4 letter tirade after complaint from fellow supporters and his behaviour will be monitored.

We can’t stop people airing their views and as long as it is not offensive, indecent, inflammatory, discriminatory or racist we will not look to take any action.”