Supporters Direct: The Future


We wanted to make members aware that following a request from its principal funder, The Fans Fund, Supporters Direct (SD) has agreed to consider the potential impact of joining forces with the Football Supporters Federation (FSF), which is the umbrella organisation for supporters clubs.

This could lead to a new, single national supporter organisation representing all football supporters and fans of others sports, such as Rugby League.

However, one of the key issues as far as we are concerned is that if the proposed merger proceeds there must be a strong voice in any new organisation for Trust movements.

Our position is that we are providing information to support SD in their next steps, either to allow it to remain as a separate organisation or to influence the formation of a new organisation to ensure that Trusts are given a strong voice.

In the meantime, the Trust continues to liaise with the club in respect of Financial Fair Play (FFP) and the conversion of debt to equity.

We will keep members informed as this matters develops over the coming months.

Keith Morgan
