Foodbank Collection To Help Needy Families And Individuals In Cardiff

Mark Tugwell, Cardiff Foodbank Operations Manager with Trust member David Craig (right)

Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust – with support from Cardiff City Football Club – is holding a fifth collection before Christmas to help those struggling in the continuing cost-of-living crisis.

A food donation point will be set up from 12.30pm close to the Trust office, near Gate 5, before Cardiff City’s clash with Millwall on Saturday, December 9th, 2023.

Here is a list of food items most urgently needed by the foodbank: Easy Cook Pasta and Rice, Tinned Potatoes, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Tomatoes, Sponge Puddings, Long-life UHT Milk, Fruit Juice Long-life (both one litre), Shampoo, Shower Gel, Savoury Snacks and Chocolates/Sweets. No perishable food, please.

Food collected will be delivered to the Cardiff Foodbank well in time for Christmas.

Mark Tugwell, Operations Manager of the Cardiff Foodbank, said: “During the last financial year, Cardiff Foodbank distributed 19,253 emergency food parcels to people in need across the City of Cardiff.

“So far this financial year (April-September) we have distributed 9,933 parcels which is a 27.8% increase on the same period the previous year.

“We are continuing to see incredible generosity from the general public donating food and finance. However, like many food projects, we have seen a drop in our food donations so any donations are much needed to help us support people in food crisis.”

Trust vice-chair Mike Spear said: “Times are tough for so many with the continuing high cost of food and energy. While the need is greater than ever, donations to foodbanks have fallen as donors themselves struggle.

“The Trust is once again appealing to the generosity of Bluebirds fans to give whatever they can afford – whether it is just a single tin, a jar of food or a bag of items. Anything supporters give will be gratefully received and, hopefully, it will make Christmas a little easier for families and individuals on the breadline.

“Recent reports have revealed that three of the most deprived areas in Wales are in our capital city, highlighting the challenges many face.”

Mike Spear said that the Trust remained eternally grateful for the fabulous support from Cardiff City Football Club, its staff and players.

Cash donations to the foodbank can be made on the day. Fans can also donate online by clicking on the red Donate button in the top right-hand corner of your screen on the foodbank website –