New Year’s Message to Trust members


With the first home game of  2018 on Saturday, Trust chair Keith Morgan has a message for members.

A Happy New Year to all members. I hope that everyone had a good Christmas break.

On the field, we are all aware that results have not gone well at all, with four consecutive defeats. However, we still remain in third place in the Championship which I think most of us would have been more than happy with at the beginning of the season. Perhaps we were spoiled by the far better than expected start we had, where the team outperformed expectations.

With the current short break from Championship games, hopefully, this will provide the opportunity for the squad to regroup, get more of the current squad back to full match fitness and also supplement our playing strength with a few good signings in the January transfer window. The Championship has been a notoriously difficult division to do well in and this season is not likely to prove any different. However, I personally remain confident (if the January transfer window goes well for us) that we can still challenge for at least a play-off spot at the end of the season.

Off the field, match attendances remain disappointing, which doesn`t help the club`s financial position or give much leeway for investment in new players, and this is unlikely to improve with the Mansfield cup tie. However, you never know we might just win that game then draw a big club at home to attract back the missing fans for one game at least.

Some of you may have read my commentary on the issue of Financial Fair Play (Profitability and Sustainability) before Christmas, following the most recent of the Trust`s regular meetings with the senior management of the club. This remains on ongoing issue and we will continue to monitor the position and discuss it with club officials as appropriate. The next key date is the beginning of March this year when the club has to submit financial information to the football authorities to get agreement to its ongoing compliance with the FFP rules. In addition, the continuation of the owner’s debt to shares also remains on the agenda in discussions.

The Trust remains highly supportive of the efforts being made by the club to remain financially stable with the ongoing support of its owner, particularly in light of the difficulties which the loss of “parachute payments” of up to £15m will bring from next season onwards.

Here`s hoping for CCFC success both on and off the field, plus a happy, healthy and prosperous 2018 for Trust members and all other Cardiff City fans.