The Running Of Football – Latest

Keith Morgan, Trust Chair

Trust Chair Keith Morgan has written an update for members on the latest news on football governance. 

As you will be aware from my previous updates, I have been involved in developments on this topic on behalf of Trust members for a few years, through the Fans-Led Review and the Government White Paper.

Today has seen a big and important development as it has been announced that the Government Bill will be placed before Parliament today. It is expected to be voted through with a very large majority as the White Paper received support from all major parties and both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer have publicly given their strong support.

The above development means that the appointment of an Independent Regulator of English Football (IREF) will be in place sooner than later and the football industry will be obliged to implement new procedures, including ensuring that full and proper consultation is held with appointed fans groups on strategic matters.

I will continue to be involved in these discussions and consultations, both as Trust Chair and as a member of the recently formed Fans Advisory Group (FAB) at Cardiff City.

The FAB is set up to hold meetings with the club and be consulted on higher level strategic matters such as the club strategy going forward, its board structure, potential new investment and any major plans for ground development etc. This is the level of consultation required under the Government White Paper and Bill so FAB members are not diverted away from such key issues by too much discussion of issues to be dealt with in other formats available to fans.

Matters such as travel and ticketing arrangements will not be on the FAB agenda but will continue to be discussed at the regular Supporters Liaison Officer (SLO) meetings where such matters should be raised.

There will also be bi-annual Fans Parliament meetings where a larger number of fans will have the opportunity to be addressed by senior club officials in a more informal way (Although I understand that the first such Fans Parliament meeting due to be held this month was cancelled at short notice).

As and when further developments occur, and generally, the Trust board will endeavour to continue to keep our members informed.


Keith Morgan
