Trust statement on Vincent Tan interview

The Trust issued a statement in response to the Vincent Tan interview on BBC TV and Radio

Tim Hartley, chair of Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust, said: “We are disappointed that Mr Tan has raised uncertainty about the future at a time when the team is fighting to retain Premier League status.

“Mr Tan talks about wanting to unite with fans. The first thing he could do to help towards achieving that would be to meet the Trust and Cardiff City Supporters’ Club as was promised in December last year. Putting that meeting into the distant future is not acceptable and shows disrespect to supporters.

“While fans are grateful for the significant investment into Cardiff City, we don’t believe fans need to apologise for campaigning for a return to our traditional blue colours.

“We are concerned that Mr Tan has yet to decide whether to convert the debt owed to him into equity which is what fans were promised in no uncertain terms.

“This season should have been an exciting experience for fans after an absence of more than 50 years from the top flight but it has been soured by continuing off-the-field distractions.

“We would also like a firm commitment from Mr Tan that a Hull City-style change of name will not be countenanced by him at any time in the future.

“Once again, Mr Tan’s interview illustrates how important it is to have strong supporter involvement in football clubs as happens at Swansea City and many other clubs across Wales and England and in Europe in countries like Germany.”