Your Magazine, Your Trust

  Moving to a Different Beat, the Trust magazine has been published and will be available at the Portsmouth game.

After a couple of online-only magazines, the Trust, due to demand from fans, has produced a hard-copy version.

Its full colour and runs to 24 pages. There’s an interview over five pages with City star man Peter Whittingham while legend Jason Perry gives a fascinating insight into his career.

Echo soccer writer Terry Phillips tells us some of the stories from his time on the road with the Bluebirds and City historian Richard Shepherd is also interviewed. Richard boasts a remarkable archive and collection of memorabilia with fascinating details on what some of City’s greatest players in the 1960s earned.

We’ve also got a Bluebirds quiz and all the latest Trust news, an update on the Fred Keenor appeal and a tribute to stalwart Trust member Clive Prigg, who died recently.

The magazine is available free of charge to Trust members from the Trust office (near Gate 5, Canton and Ninian stands) and just £1 for non-members. An online version of the magazine – with additional articles – will be available on this website at the weekend.

We hope you enjoy the read and if you’d like to be involved in the next edition, due in April, please get in touch with us through

Phillip Nifield, Trust board member (Communications)